介绍初始化所需的资源, 实现, 完成TSU QEP. 具体地说, this section addresses the personnel required for 实现 the plan, 建议的实施时间表, 以及成功完成所需的预算.


The organizational structure of the QEP project consists of the following key positions:

  • 执行委员会
  • QEP评审主任
  • 四分
  • 教师的合作伙伴
执行委员会  开放
QEP评审主任  开放
四分  开放
教师的合作伙伴  开放



Figure 7 provides a timeline for the QEP effort through Spring 2021. 如图所示, the plan is to implement the project in stages beginning Fall 2019 with full implementation to occur in Fall 2020.

在2019年秋季,我们将专注于一小部分活动, 其中大部分是正在进行的大学活动. The intent of the Fall 2019 effort is to tailor these activities such that their focus is directed toward first-time freshman students. 2019年秋季需要解决的具体问题是:

  • 申请及录取
  • 学术技能发展
  • 自我实现
  • 教师参与
  • 转专业
  • 校园订婚

Only four of these activities will actually be implemented in its intended form (学术技能发展, 自我实现, 转专业, 及校园参与). The remaining two (申请及录取 and 教师参与) will focus on the development of resources that will be necessary for full implementation.

2020年春季,我们将开始全部14部戏剧的工作. The two plays that began development in Fall 2019 (申请及录取 and 教师参与) will be implemented in Spring 2020. Additionally, we will also implement the 金融援助 play during this semester. For all other plays the focus will be on the development of resources necessary for full implementation in Fall 2020 (See Figure 7).
